Shevchenko Library & Archive

The Shevchenko Library and Archive (SL&A) in London is one of the largest Ukrainian émigré libraries in Europe and of the one of the most valuable assets of the Association.
Its main aims and objectives are:
- To preserve all items of historical and cultural value, including documents, works of art, books and periodicals;
- To facilitate academic research on Ukrainian topics, particularly the history of the Ukrainian diaspora;
- To bring Ukrainian themes to a wider audience through exhibitions and other events;
- To establish and maintain a comprehensive catalogue of works.
The SL&A houses a collection of printed matter on Ukrainian themes and facilitates research for students, academics and other visitors. Archive items which include documents, manuscripts and other items of cultural and historical value. In addition, The SL&A holds a large collection of Ukrainian postage stamps, sculptures and other works of art.
More specifically it houses the following:
- Book collection, periodicals and newspapers: over 35 thousand volumes of academic publications on history, politics, culture, classical fiction, rare emigre publications, Ukrainian periodical published in the West, literature on the history of Ukrainian émigré organisations in Europe, Canada, USA, publications of Ukrainian academic centres in the West, encyclopaedic reference books and old prints.
- Archive collection: well in excess of 10,000 pages, including archival materials of notable political and public figures such as the former AUGB Honorary President Hetman Danylo Skoropadky (1904-1957) and former MP and AUGB Board Member, Stefan Terlezki (1927-2006). Research work on the archival materials is currently focussed on unpublished documents of prof. Natalia Polonska-Vasylenko and prof. Vadym Shcherbakivsky.
- Art collection: paintings, icons, sculptures, lithographs, posters, and other artworks. This includes the largest collection of Grygor Kruk sculptures and works of a host of prominent Ukrainian artists, such as Ivan Trush, Myron Levytsky, Oleksa Novakivsky, Elizaveta Skoropadska and others.
- Ukrainian Philatelists’ collection: founded in 1971 by Teodor Fedyshyn (1926-1974), who also organised the first exhibition of Ukrainian stamps in the UK.
- Photographic collection: a large volume of photographs relating to the Ukrainian community in the UK.
Contact tel. 0207 229 8392
The Library is open Monday to Friday, for visitors 11am - 5pm
Closed Saturday – Sunday and Bank Holidays